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Accueil > Management by thinning

Management by thinning

Main project

Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forests cover about 350 000 ha in southern France where they were traditionally coppiced on short rotations (from 7 to 30 years) for charcoal or tannins production. (...)

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Associated projects

Two treatment of the partial rainfall exclusion experiment established in 2003 received a treatment of thinning. The experiment was set up on 100m² plots situated on a flat area, so that lateral (...)

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Main project protocol Four thinning intensity applied in 1986, % basal area removed : 24-27% 40-45% 56-60% 77-79% three parcel without thinning Parcel of 1000m2 45 trunk by parcel follow-up Two (...)

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Published data are available on demand
All data can be made available through collaborations with the research team

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Selected publications

Gavinet J, Ourcival JM, Limousin JM (2019) Rainfall exclusion and thinning can alter the relationships between forest functioning and drought. New Phytologist doi : 10.1111/nph.15860. (PDF) (...)

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