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Seedlings transplantation into the European Ecotron of Montpellier. February 25, 2019

Can trees acclimate to long-term increased drought ? And if they do, will their offspring respond differently to water stress ? The Puéchabon experimental site and the European Ecotron of Montpellier ( have joined their forces to answer these questions with the TRANSfER ANR project (PI : Alexandru Milcu, CNRS). In November 2018, acorns were collected on mother trees located inside the long-term partial rainfall exclusion of Puéchabon ( and having experienced different rainfall conditions for the last 15 years. The acorns have been first germinated and grown for two months in one of the greenhouses of CNRS Montpellier ( On February 25, 2019 they have been finally transplanted inside the mesocosms platform of the Ecotron where they will be allowed to grow among other Mediterranean tree species before being subjected to drought and re-watering cycles during the next summer.